Glue Galore Ltd
By Lincoln Hillan
Posted: Tuesday, 09th January 2024 2:05 pm

We are pleased to announce the launch of our brand new website!
We are a well-established retailer of leading brand adhesives and tapes. Whether you are looking for glues for craft projects or DIY jobs around the home, our experts can offer technical advice to ensure you get the right glue for the job. Selling only top branded products, we guarantee you will stick with us!
To celebrate the launch of our brand new website, we are offering 10% off ALL orders in January, using code FBJAN24. You will find us at We're a friendly bunch, so come and say "hi".
#glue #adhesives #diy #craft #pva #epoxy #superglue #GlueDots #schoolsupplies #woodglue #allpurposeglue #metalepoxy