Letchworth: Freya Pocklington returns to Broadway with powerful new exhibition called Ostara - find out more

By Guest

5th Jan 2022 | Local News

Freya Pocklington - Ostara
Freya Pocklington - Ostara

LETCHWORTH: OSTARA marks Freya Pocklington's return to The Broadway Gallery following her appearance in last summer's Correspondence01 exhibition.

Ostara is Freya's exhibition of works celebrating pregnancy, parenthood, and most importantly female artists themselves.

The exhibition is named after the Pagan festival Ostara, which celebrates spring and new beginnings.

Freya explores these themes through her work through with complex, expressive imagery that take the viewer through the happiness and anguish of the pregnancy and parenthood experience.


In what is far from a standard exhibition, Freya captures the uncertainty and excitement of parenthood, through innovative and exciting expression.

Freya utilises self-portraiture and draws upon her own lived experience as someone with long-term health conditions going through the process of having a child.

The exhibition will be supported by events and workshops, all with a focus on empowering artists entering parenthood.

Kris Day, curator at the Broadway Gallery said: "It is unfortunate that galleries can too often overlook the pressures facing artists throughout early parenthood.

"The backdrop of Freya's exhibition is a good time for us to assess how we can be more accommodating to these circumstances.

"Our programme of events, talks and workshops centred around Ostara aim highlight this issue and to offer support to artists to continue their work and to encourage expecting and recent parents to explore how creative practices can aid positive mental health and well-being throughout this time in their lives."

Workshops include The Maternal Journal; an opportunity to commemorate the experience of parenthood, and a programme of expecting parent and parent/baby art sessions.

OSTARA marks Freya Pocklington's return to The Broadway Gallery following her appearance in last Summer's Correspondence01 exhibition.

The exhibition opens on January 20 and runs until March 6. For more details, visit www.broadway-letchworth.com


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